For young men who struggle with mental health or lack connections in real life, chat and community features of online games can be a source of support.
Which is why we also have a bunch of men who are trying to hold on to jr. high mindsets about what they were told adulthood is like, rather than allowing themselves to mature beyond the gaming communities they found support in.
Remember, Steve Bannon already abused gaming communities for political gain.
The real question, is how hard would it be to set up networks of healthier mindsets, when games are doing their best to remove private servers from the minds of others, when those private servers are needed for securing the audience and preventing poor faith individuals from taking control
They have been for the last 20 years.
Which is why we also have a bunch of men who are trying to hold on to jr. high mindsets about what they were told adulthood is like, rather than allowing themselves to mature beyond the gaming communities they found support in.
Remember, Steve Bannon already abused gaming communities for political gain.
The real question, is how hard would it be to set up networks of healthier mindsets, when games are doing their best to remove private servers from the minds of others, when those private servers are needed for securing the audience and preventing poor faith individuals from taking control
These are great points. Worth noting too that Gamergate effectively jump-started the modern alt-right movement.