I’ll start. Did you know you can run a headless version of JD2 on a raspberry pi? It’s not the greatest thing in the world, but sometimes its nice to throw a bunch of links in there and go to sleep.
I’ll start. Did you know you can run a headless version of JD2 on a raspberry pi? It’s not the greatest thing in the world, but sometimes its nice to throw a bunch of links in there and go to sleep.
As I said it’s mostly paranoia. I know it works fine with movies and shows, but anime is definitely one thing I actually do not trust it to grab and import automatically. Mostly due to shit anime release naming conventions. Some trackers insist on only using romanized names making it impossible to find automatically and in my experience sonarr can’t import anime seasons due to not having
in filenames. Even single episode search doesn’t work for this reason.If you set the series to “Anime” it should use both episode number and absolute numbering when searching for anime. It’s certainly not perfect but it gets the job done most of the time.
I do. As far as I can tell it does literally nothing.
Have you set it up like trash-guides does? Works well for almost any anime I watch. The only issues I have is not finding something because of localized/JP name release that are with embedded subs.
This is why I don’t use any of the *arrs. 90 percent of what I pirate is anime or music which they don’t work well with at all.
Anime is my biggest use case, and it’s worked great for me.