Some might say they’re freeing themselves in a way though. Self hosting requires dedicating time you could spend doing other things especially when things break. People pay for convenience and saving time. When we simplify self hosting and updating to a point people can just download apps and press go then it will make sense for the average person
Docker kinda does it by being like an app store but for servers. It’s not very flexible but everyone using a particular image gets the same experience.
Us, selfhosters - sure.
Average person who value convenience over privacy/cost - no. They’ll continue to pay and be in prisoned by the cloud.
Some might say they’re freeing themselves in a way though. Self hosting requires dedicating time you could spend doing other things especially when things break. People pay for convenience and saving time. When we simplify self hosting and updating to a point people can just download apps and press go then it will make sense for the average person
This. Self-hosting doesn’t need to be a nerd thing.
Docker kinda does it by being like an app store but for servers. It’s not very flexible but everyone using a particular image gets the same experience.